Publications and Contributions:
- Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Magnitude and Evolution [Download] (with Cesar Calderon and Punam Chuhan-Pole). Policy Research Working Paper, No. 8108. World Bank, Washington, DC, Jul. 2017.
- Africa's Pulse, (Team Member). World Bank Publications, Apr. 2016 and Oct. 2016. [Download]
- Trade Performance and Policies after the Crisis [Download] (with Paolo Giordano, Jeremy Harris, and Mike Shearer). Trade and Integration Monitor, IDB Publications, 2012.
- Latin America, From Boom to Crisis: Macroeconomic Policy Challenges [Download] (with Oslvado Kacef). CEPAL Review N 100, 2010.
- A América Latina e a Crise Internacional: Algumas Consideraçöes Sobre a Política Macroeconômica [Download] (with Osvaldo Kacef). Revista Tempo do Mundo, Vol 2, N 1, Instituto de Pesquisa Económica Aplicada (IPEA), Apr. 2010.
- Chapter: The International Context, (with Osvaldo Kacef) in Preliminary overview of the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean, UN-ECLAC, Dec. 2009.
- Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America in the new global scenario. Boletín Informativo Techint. Nº 328, Jan-Apr. 2009. Reprinted: O Investimento Externo Direto na América Latina Diante do Novo Cenério Internacional [Download] (with A. Espora and R. Rozemberg). Revista Brasileira de Comercio Exterior. Ano XXIII 99, 2009.
- Impacto de la Crisis Internacional Sobre la IED en América Latina [Download] (with A. Espora and R. Rozember). Latin American Trade Network, Serie Brief 45, Nov. 2008.
- Chapter: The International Environment, (with Omar Bello) in Preliminary overview of the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean, and in Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean 2005- 2006, United Nations-ECLAC, Dec. and Jul. 2006.
- Panorama de la Economía Iberoamericana, in Espacios Iberoamericanos, (Team Member), ECLAC and Secretara General Iberoamericana. Presented at the XVI Iberoamerican Summit of Heads of State. Montevideo, Nov. 3-5, 2006.
Working Papers:
- The Effect of Macroeconomic Volatility on Financial Deepening: A Missing Link? (New version coming soon)
- The Welfare Cost of Real Volatility: A Comparative Analysis [Download] (Updated version coming soon)
Work in Progress:
- "The Exposure of Emerging Markets' Financial Systems to the Government Debt"
© 2018-2024 Rafael M. López-Monti